How to avoid stressed skin this holiday season
Nat ButlerOver 50% of people claim to have experienced skin inflammation at some point in their adult lives. Inflammatory acne, in addition to redness, itching, flaking or tightness, can be caused by something deeper than skincare. Emotional triggers such as stress as well as environmental irritants in the air around us, the foods we eat and the household products that we use can all contribute to skin inflammation. Which is why it’s especially important during a hectic holiday season to take a holistic approach to caring for your health and therefore your skin.
Before you feel overwhelmed by the thought of yet another thing to add to your To Do list, read our realistic tips for integrating self-care into your holiday routine.
Take five minutes
If you’re already a morning meditation guru, more power to you. For the rest of us, finding a moment of me-time in a normal schedule let alone over Christmas can feel more mountain than molehill. Know that it’s ok to lower the bar. Calming your mind even for just a few minutes each day can help lessen the chance of emotional triggers causing imbalances and inflammation in your skin. If it’s not a yoga class or a bath, try something simpler like an extra long shower or just going outside for a short walk. It’s the little things.
Don’t beat yourself up
There’s no way you can avoid stress, parties, shopping and aperol during the silly season. So don’t. At least not altogether. Feeling guilty is only going to add to your stress levels which in turn can lead to noticeable inflammation of the skin. Instead, grant yourself a little grace and offset a heavy conscience by doing something proactive for your health. Supplements are a great way to boost a lacking diet. Try adding Omega 3, Curcumin and Vitamins C, D and E to your daily roster, all known for assisting skin health and reducing inflammation.
Go back to basics
When we notice visible inflammation of the skin, it can be tempting to add more products to our skin routine. Retinol and alpha hydroxy acids can sound tempting, but in reality, using or mixing strong active ingredients can damage your skin’s barrier. This approach is typical to Western medicine because it focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing a root cause. If you find your skin is looking as stressed as you feel over this busy period, take your cues from Eastern medicine. Adopt products that care for the holistic health of your skin; our Biome Advantage System is a great place to start (and a great early Christmas gift for yourself).
If you find yourself wanting more holiday season skin saviours, read our Sensitive Skin eBook where we go deep on all things holistic skin health.